Stylish Designs of Metal Smoking Pipes

Metal pipes are common as they are popular choices amongst smokers. Moreover, metal is a very common material used for tobacco pipes. There are many types of metal pipes with metal one hitters being a strong favorite amongst pipe smokers.…


Flexible Metal One Hitters Smoking Pipes

There are many types of smoking pipes in the market; one of them is the popular metal one hitter choice which comes in a variety of shapes and designs to suit the needs and preferences of the smoking consumers. History…


Stylish Glass Bats for Smokers or Collectors

Smoking is becoming more a hobby than an addiction with the varied stylish glass bats in the market. More and more creative designs of glass bats are being offered in the market by many established and skilled pipe manufacturers. Sources…


Development of Stylish Glass Bubblers

Many archaeologists and historians claim that the smoking pipes were first found around Yorkshire, U.K. with others excavated during 17th century. These later finds were tiny; hence, they were called “elfin pipes”. Pipes were purportedly used in religious and spiritual…


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